Images copyright © 2017 Neil Prior

In 1972 Irene began an incredible journey that would catapault her from a  naïve high school teenager, living in a modest home in San Jose, California into a dynamic world of glamor and intrigue. Part pschychological thriller, part romance, totally inspirational, The Palo Alto Diaries has been described as "America's Greatest Love Story . . . based on real events."

Although her story takes place in the 70s, Irene has finally agreed to share what she calls "an interesting time of her life." What an understatement! Her story is told in two books, each compelling in its own way.


Her parents grew up on migrant farms in California, but Irene quickly moved beyond her working class Hispanic roots to know a wide mix of psychiatrists, medical doctors, lawyers, scientists, socialites, cops, and mobsters. Each one, in his or her own way, taught her to grow up fast or get left behind. 


Barely a month went by without some episode complicating Irene's life or the lives of those around her. Adreneline events like skydiving, SCUBA diving, martial arts, flying planes, and skiing. Drama with car crashes, prison, retalliation, cancer, blindness, private detectives, and courtroom battles. No doubt, Irene's life had become a whirlwind of distractions.


From the distressed side of San Jose, CA and the quaint Amish villages of Ohio to the cosmopolitan centers of Los Angeles, New York, Barcelona, São Paulo, and Vancouver.  From horse drawn sleighs and farm houses to five star hotels, private jets, and box seats at the San Francisco ballet, Irene - as a teenager - got to see both the simple and luxurious sides of life.


Despite engagements to different men, despite her travels to exotic locations, Irene's life - for the most part - remained a secret from her family.  As far as they knew, she was simply crosstown at a church retreat or visiting her phoneless relatives. It was a secret she tried hard to keep.

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Neil Prior
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